A Bodhi Homecoming
Ocean Sky Finds Inspiration on Its Pilgrimage to Chung Tai

From August 14th to 21st, 2024, forty-three students from Ocean Sky Chan Monastery in the Philippines, made their annual homecoming pilgrimage to Chung Tai—a trip back to their true home, the inherent buddha nature. For the students at Ocean Sky, this journey is a highly anticipated annual event.

On orientation day, participants felt a surge of curiosity and excitement as they received kits containing name tags, vests, and songbooks. The abbess of Ocean Sky, Ven. Jianshu, patiently explained the event’s handbook. The group deeply appreciated the extensive planning by the shifus and volunteers from both Chung Tai and Ocean Sky.

Warmth from the Chung Tai Family

On August 14th, the pilgrims embarked on their journey, carrying twelve large pieces of luggage filled with Filipino delicacies as sincere offerings to the Chung Tai sangha. En route by bus to Chung Tai, they joyfully practiced Dharma songs, preparing to offer their heartfelt singing to the shifus and Dharma brothers in Taiwan.

After a full day of travel, the group arrived at their first stop: Pu Tian Meditation Center in Puli. Immediately, they were refreshed by the warm welcome extended by the hospitable Dharma brothers at Pu Tian. As they admired the beautiful night view of Chung Tai from atop the center, they found inspiration to seek their inherent brightness amidst the darkness of ignorance.

Over the next few days, the students had such a deeply insightful experience in the guided tours that it felt as if the Grand Master personally imparted the Buddha’s teachings to them. They experienced the Grand Master’s wisdom through the design of Chung Tai, the magnificent collection of artifacts in the World Museum, the multi-faceted education system of the Pu Tai schools, and the Four Tenets that serve as the Pu Tai motto. Deeply ingrained in their hearts was the realization that the Founding Abbot’s compassionate vows laid the foundation for Chung Tai World. In a gesture of reverence, Ocean Sky paid homage to him in the Hall of Patriarchs.


  •      1.During the tour of Chung Tai Chan Monastery, everyone experienced a peaceful mind.
  • 2&3. Deeply impressed by the compassion of the Founding Abbot's great vow to establish the Chung Tai World Museum, the assembly paid homage to him at the Hall of Patriarchs.





At Dizang Pagoda Chan Monastery, while paying homage to the relics of ancient Chan Masters, the pilgrims were moved by the story of Master Deng Yinfeng of the Tang dynasty, who chose to pass away in an upside-down position. This reinforced their understanding of the Chan teaching of abiding in the present mind at every moment.


  • 4. At Dizang Pagoda Chan Monastery, the students paid homage to the Chan Patriarchs.

In a rare and cherished moment, the pilgrims had the opportunity to visit Venerable Master Jianying, Abbot of Chung Tai Chan Monastery, in his office to make offerings. They found it heartwarming to receive his personal greetings and blessings in English, as he welcomed them back one-by-one to the Chung Tai family. This gesture filled the pilgrims with a profound sense of belonging, especially during the Tea Reception Ceremony, when they were reunited with their Dharma brothers from other overseas meditation centers. During the tea reception with Abbot Jianying in Prajna Lecture Hall, they were all united by the Buddha’s teachings in their shared pursuit of inherent wisdom and the true mind.

Though it rained the night before the main pilgrimage ceremonies, the pilgrims’ spirit was undeterred. The outdoor Mountain Pilgrimage and Prostrating to the Evening Bell ceremonies scheduled for that night were canceled. Instead, the group attended evening service in the Sāla Hall, where they sincerely performed prostrations and acts of repentance. Despite physical fatigue, their resolve remained steadfast as they sought to ascend the spiritual mountain while chanting the Evening Bell Gatha.


  • 5. Everyone attended evening service at the Sala Hall.

Resolving to Benefit All Sentient Beings

On August 17th, Ocean Sky arrived at the Perfect Illumination Hall for the Conclusion of the Summer Sangha Retreat Medicine Buddha Ceremony, joining an assembly of thousands in the solemn ceremonial halls. As Abbot Jianying presided over the ceremony, they wholeheartedly recited in pinyin, despite half of the group being unable to read Chinese. The pilgrims then dedicated their merits to all sentient beings, especially those suffering from illnesses.

Later in the day was the Da Meng Shan Ceremony, where the pilgrims joined in a powerful collective vow to liberate all sentient beings. They witnessed the celebrant master, Abbot Jianying, deliver six Dharma lectures according to the ceremony liturgy and offered abundant food, along with the Sumeru Rice Mountain, to beings in hell and the realm of hungry ghosts. This profound gesture served as a poignant reminder to cultivate compassion and a mind of equality. It emphasized the need to purify one's karma while aiding all beings on their journey to swift enlightenment.

The following morning in the Ullambana Ceremony, the students emulated Ven. Maudgalyayana’s profound filial piety through the ritual of the meal offerings to the sanghas of the ten directions. They prostrated to the sangha with utmost sincerity during the formal meal, and with this pure merit, they prayed for their parents throughout all lives to attain true happiness.

A major highlight of this pilgrimage was Abbot Jianying’s illuminating Dharma talks. Receiving the teaching through English translation, the group was filled with the same Dharma joy as the Chinese participants. The abbot continually reminded everyone of the buddha nature inherent in all beings. He pointed out that this pure mind, though empty, can give rise to all forms and functions and is capable of boundless compassion and wisdom.




  • 6. Abbot Jianying encouraged all disciples to cultivate their inherent wisdom and true mind.
  • 7. At the Perfect Illumination Hall, the pilgrims joined in the chanting and then dedicated their merits to all sentient beings, especially those who are suffering.

Abbot Jianying also urged the assembly to uphold their bodhisattva vows and to support and protect the Buddha’s teachings, as emphasized during the Dharma Support Association Certificate Conferring Ceremony. This ceremony underscored the importance of collaboration between monastic and lay disciples to propagate and preserve the Buddha’s teachings, so that the Dharma can endure and benefit countless sentient beings. On behalf of the Ocean Sky Dharma Support Association, President Chuan Fan (傳返) renewed her commitment before the congregation to persist in Chung Tai’s mission. The rest of the Ocean Sky delegation also made the same vows, aiming to ensure that more Filipinos could benefit from the Buddha’s wisdom.

The final ceremony of this trip was the Three Refuges and Five Precepts ceremony. Fifteen Ocean Sky members joined thousands of others in making a commitment to follow the Buddha Way. Among them was eight-year-old Tyler, the youngest in the group and a student in the children’s class, who had always aspired to become a Buddhist. When he received his Three Refuges and Five Precepts certificates, Tyler was overjoyed, realizing he was now formally recognized as a Buddhist disciple. He was moved to tears upon learning his Dharma name, Fa Le (法樂). Together with his mother, Fa An (法安), their names form the Chinese word "an le (安樂)," which means "peace and joy," symbolizing the state of calm-abiding and joy in the Dharma.

Afterwards, the pilgrims made the most of their free time by exploring the monastery grounds, marveling at its beauty, cleanliness, and organization. They visited six stops across the monastery to gather stamps in the Chung Tai Stamp Passport given to them by the monastery’s reception office. The eye-catching Ocean Sky vest they wore, inspired by the traditional Philippine national formalwear “barong,” received much praise for its distinctive design. Additionally, this year, the presence of many English signs all over further enhanced their sense of connection to the monastery.




  • 8. At the ceremony of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts, fifteen Ocean Sky students vowed to follow the Buddha Way.
  • 9. Collecting stamps in their Chung Tai Stamp Passport

Realizing the Pure Mind at Every Moment

Grateful for the four fulfilling days and the wonderful accomondations at Chung Tai, Ocean Sky pilgrims repaid the kindness by volunteering at the Laundry & Bedding Unit. They hung, folded, and sorted the washed beddings, and hauled used beddings from different dormitory floors. Their efforts not only helped maintain Chung Tai’s facilities, but also fostered good affinity with other visitors.


  • 10. The Ocean Sky students repaid the kindness by volunteering at the Laundry Bedding Unit.

Throughout their stay, they enjoyed delicious vegetarian food and were impressed by how a meal made with everyday ingredients could be so delicious when prepared with mindfulness and compassion. Indeed, the true flavor is not found in rich and sumptuous dishes but in a pure and serene mind.

After departing Chung Tai, the pilgrims visited Gu Feng Monastery in Hsinchu. The group was blessed to be part of the restoration of the forty-year-old Buddha statues in the Great Majesty Hall. With deep respect, masters and students took part in the process, applying gold leaves to the Buddha’s robe while chanting Shakyamuni Buddha’s holy name, praising his merits and virtues.





The students applied leaves to the Buddha's robe and meditated at Gu Feng Monastery.

On their last day in Taiwan, the pilgrims from Ocean Sky visited Pu Xue Chan Monastery, where they were met with another resounding welcome. Ocean Sky engaged in cooperative games prepared by their Dharma brothers and in return, offered songs to them with Dharma joy. This exchange emphasized the importance of camaraderie among Dharma brothers to cultivate mutual growth and learn more expedient means to support each other.


  • 11. At Pu Xue Chan Monastery, the group games emphasized the importance of cooperation among Dharma brothers to cultivate mutual growth.

This pilgrimage was a transformative journey for the Ocean Sky group. As everyone returned to their daily lives, they carried with them a renewed inspiration to continue with their spiritual journey—persisting on the bodhisattva path to find their way back to the true home, the ever-present bodhi mind, as well as bring countless sentient beings home.